Maxillary Anterior Teeth Dimensions and Width/Height Ratio in Syrian Population


  • Yousef Al-Abbass


Maxillary Anterior Teeth Dimensions, Width/Height Ratio, Teeth Proportions


Background: The dentist should have a good information about maxillary anterior teeth dimensions when restoring them due to their key role in creating a beautiful smile.

Aim of The Study: This research aimed to collect data about maxillary anterior teeth width, height and width/ height ratio in Syrian population. Also, to evaluate the differences between two genders.

Materials and Methods: Maxillary casts were obtained from 219 adult Syrians ranged between 25-35 years (128 males and 91 females). The length of each crown was measured from incisal edge to the zenith position and parallel to the long axis, while the width was measured form mesial to distal surfaces at the widest radius and perpendicular to the long axis.

Results: The mean length of teeth was found to be 9.234mm for centrals, 7.968mm for laterals, and 8.828mm for canines regarding the hole sample, while it was (centrals 9.579mm, laterals 8.312mm, and canines 9.157mm) for males and (centrals 8.773mm, laterals 7.51mm, and canines 8.388 mm) for females. In addition, the mean width of teeth was found to be 8.521mm for centrals, 6.561mm for laterals, and 7.582mm for canines regarding the hole sample, while it was (centrals 8.663mm, laterals 6.695mm, and canines 7.705 mm) for males and (centrals 8.332mm, laterals 6.382mm, and canines 7.419mm) for females. The width/ height ratio for the whole sample ranged between 82.34%-92.28%, while it ranged between 80.55%-90.44%for males and 84.98%-94.97% for females.

Conclusions: It was found that the width/ height ratio ranged between 80.55-%90.44 % for males and 84.98-%94.97 % for females, which led to the conclusion that male's teeth were rectangular in shape and female's teeth were square in shape


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How to Cite

Maxillary Anterior Teeth Dimensions and Width/Height Ratio in Syrian Population. (2021). Damascus University Journal for Medical Sciences, 36(4).