Evaluation of the effectiveness of co- hyaluronic acid with micro-needling in improving the stiffness and appearance of hypertrophic scars


  • Ziad al-Kadi قسم جراحة الفم والفكين بكلية طب الأسنان – جامعة دمشق
  • منير حرفوش قسم جراحة الفم والفكين بكلية طب الأسنان – جامعة دمشق


Hypertrophic scars, hyaluronic acid, micro, needling, wounds healing, - defective scarring


Background :  The formation of facial scars is considered a next stage of the wound healing process,which occurs when body tissues are exposed to physical damage.These scars are sometimes pathological scars that result from an abnormal response to trauma.

Hypertrophic scars formation  is considered an example of defective scarring, that occur following trauma and various facial surgeries and cause great anxiety for patients and a problem for doctors because it may be painful,stiff,high and aesthetically unacceptable.

  Although the general view of the skin is that it is a single-form entity, there are important localized changes in it that affect the intervention of the surgeon to treat the scars, and these  variables include the thickness of the skin , its composition, elasticity and severity of pigmentation in it.

Many treatments have been carried out with the aim of  treating the hypertrophic scarring , but the treatment of hypertrophic scars remains a clear challenge, and recurrence rates remain included with all available treatment alternatives.

The aim of study:  to evaluate the effectiveness of co- hyaluronic acid with  automated micro-needling in improving the stiffness and appearance of hypertrophic scars according to the patient,s opinion on POSAS scale.

Materials and methods : The study evaluates 12 facial hypertrophic scars from 10 patients : 4 males (5 scars) and 6 females (7 scars) aged between 20 and 39. The patients were treated with hyaluronic acid injection in combination with micro-needling  at four stages of healing with intervals of 30 days. Using the patient scar Assessment Scale (POSAS) , each scar has been evaluated from the patients, scale in terms the stiffness and appearance   .

Results : The findings of the study reveal statistical differences at the significance level of 5% between each session. This indicates a reducing in the scale values of the studied variables.

Conclusions : The injection of  hyaluronic acid  and involved with micro-needling leads to a significant improvement in the the stiffness and appearance of studied scars. 


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How to Cite

Evaluation of the effectiveness of co- hyaluronic acid with micro-needling in improving the stiffness and appearance of hypertrophic scars. (2024). Damascus University Journal for Medical Sciences, 35(4). https://journal.damascusuniversity.edu.sy/index.php/heaj/article/view/12184