RVGui Versus Digora for Clinical Root Canal Measurement


  • Maher Sleman Ahmad جامعة دمشق
  • Prof. Safoh Albuni جامعة دمشق


Root canal, Apex, Apical third, dental digital, radiography, working length


This study aim at holding a clinical comparison between the benefits of direct digital radiography system (RVGui), and  the benefits of indirect digital radiography system (Digora), that is through clinical test regarding the accuracy of digital  working length measurement on the computer’s screen between the two reference points in the first system, and the same digital length  measured by the second system which depends on indirect phosphoric  plates, and then performing a statistical study about the effect of  pulp situation( vital on necrotic) on  measuring the digital  working length in both systems.

(30) human teeth contained (64) full formed roots indicated for extraction had been chosen. Diagnostic digital radiographs were taken with each system. Informed consent was obtained from the patients waiting to have their teeth extracted because of periodontal or prosthetic reasons. The chosen teeth were anesthetized, isolated and accessed. The pulp was considered necrotic if no bleeding presented in the pulp chamber.

Pulpectomy performed, then (64) canals irrigated by normal saline (0.9%) and digital working length obtained by each system whether real canal lengths obtained several days after extraction.

The clinical comparison about the benefit of both systems showed a clear superiority of RVGui that has (98.75%) Accuracy comparing with (76.56%) of Digora for digital lengths equal to real lengths or longer within (+1mm).

There was (4) digital measurements longer than real lengths for

 (1.5-2mm) of RVGui (6.2%) compared with (15) digital measurement longer than real lengths for (1.5-2mm) of Digora (23.4%). No digital lengths shorter than real lengths has been registered. Statistical results showed, significant difference between the ability of both system to determine the apical foramen in vitro canals versus necrotic canals but the RVGui was more Accurate than Digora in both cases (P>0.01).


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How to Cite

RVGui Versus Digora for Clinical Root Canal Measurement. (2023). Damascus University Journal for Medical Sciences, 35(4). https://journal.damascusuniversity.edu.sy/index.php/heaj/article/view/11701