ال Analytical study to evaluate the activity of sodium hypochlorite in industrial application conditions to treat water and provide safe drinking water to the population
Water disinfection, sodium hypochlorite preparation, pH, turbidityAbstract
Clean water is essential for public health, humans cannot survive without water. Pathogens are easily controlled with chlorination but can cause harmful or even deadly outbreaks given conditions of inadequate. chlorinated drinking water systems will remain a cornerstone of waterborne disease prevention and public health protection in the global. No single disinfection method is right for all circumstances due to that We designed the system taking into consideration number of factors and the approach was to match the system’s characteristics, needs, resources, and source water quality. The study was focused in Chemical analysis and engineering approach and it was implemented on several sites in Syria knowing that drinking water chlorination is scalable it can provide reliable, cost-effective disinfection for remote rural villages, mid-sized communities, and large cities alike, helping to bring safe water to all. A dose of 0.8 PPM of sodium hypochlorite concentration of 8% was used, which was sufficient to completely eliminate the bacteria based on the percentage of free chlorine remaining which is an important point due to the economic savings achieved which amounted to 331 m3 of sodium hypochlorite annually while sterilizing 800,000 m3⁄day of raw water. Hence there was no need to import water sterilizers from other countries, and self-sufficiency was achieved. Training over 50 engineer and technicians on how to deal with the designed system around Syria in the cities.