An Approach to Inspect the Urban Movement in Yabroud from the Stone Ages Until the Middle of the 20th Century


  • Wasela Adnan Keshkiah Damascus university
  • Nadia Muhammad Basir Damascus university


Settlements, Aramaic, Roman, Yabroud, UrbanExpansion


Yabroud was known in ancient history as one of the most important prehistoric settlements. Numerous excavations and discoveries have been made in rock shelters. However, information about settlement in this area after this period remained few and scattered. This paper aims to determine the beginning of urban and its spreading in Yabroud till the middle of the twentieth century. We try to collect excavation reports that were carried out on Yabroud, and historical studies of the region through many periods. This was supplemented by working on the land to document the existing traditional buildings, trying to identify the determinants of urban and the obstacles to its spread. The research demonstrated that settlement began in stone shelters above the mountains surrounding Yabroud, then down at the edge of the agricultural plain in the days of the Canaanites, then moved to the middle of the plain above a hill of lime in the days of Arameans. Later the city expanded around the hill at first, then to the east and west, forming the T-shape which continued till the mid-20th century.


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Author Biographies

  • Wasela Adnan Keshkiah, Damascus university

     طالبة دكتوراه في كلية الهندسة المعمارية، قسم علوم البناء والتنفيذ، جامعة دمشق. 

  • Nadia Muhammad Basir, Damascus university

    Professor in Faculty of Architecture, University of Damascus. 




How to Cite

An Approach to Inspect the Urban Movement in Yabroud from the Stone Ages Until the Middle of the 20th Century. (2024). Damascus University Journal for Engineering Sciences, 40(4).