Accuracy of machining in turning processes associated with non-kinematic breaking chip process.


  • د. عصام قرقوط جامعة دمشق


Machining accuracy, surface roughness, turning, chip breaking.


  • This research is studing the accuracy of turning processes for steel shefts, by using non-kinematic method for breaking the chip (represented by forming a larg step; spiral flute (duet) on the surface of workpieces). 

    These flutes on the surface of worpiece sometimes causes a forced vibration movement of the cutting tool due to the instability of the cutting depth. Therefore, in this research , the effect of these flutes on the roughness of the working surface and the accuracy of linear dimensions were studied.

    For this purpose ,many experiments have been done. Some workpieces was formed a spiral flute on its surface, and another batch workpieces did not contain a flute. In both cases the surface roughness was measured for all elements, in addition to measuring the tolerance on the operated diameter, and these results were studied and analyzed to arrive at the effect of chip breaking flute on the operation accuracy.


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How to Cite

Accuracy of machining in turning processes associated with non-kinematic breaking chip process. (2024). Damascus University Journal for Engineering Sciences, 40(2).