The role of the digital economy in supporting the sustainable development ofthe advancement of countries with special reference to Iraq


  • حمزة محمود شمخي
  • عدنان مناتي صالح


The digital economy with sustainable development constitutes an impressive
and important economic duality in the economies of developed and developing
countries. This was after the majority of co untries linked their economic
progress to their ability to achieve sustainable development and it’s seventeen
goals approved by the United Nations. The countries of the world committed to
achieving these goals as economic, social and environmental goals un til 2030 .
I found that one of the pillars of its ability to achieve that development and
ensure its achievement was the digital economy. That the contemporary
variable that has played and is still playing a role in mitigating or ensuring
adaptation to the economic shocks, to which the economies of countries are
exposed. This is able to play an active role in ensuring the achievement of
sustainable development goals, as many contemporary studies indicate that
the digital economy plays a very influential role in sustainable development.

For this we find that most countries raced to enhance their retention of an
integrated system The digital economy has hoped to achieve the UN goals
that have set a path for sustainable development. The contemporary
technologie s for communication and information have become the main role in
the various economic sectors. This is done by contributing to increasing the
level of efficiency through three elements of reducing cost, shortening time
and quality.
According to this persp ective, this research came with its four topics to study
and analysis the role of the digital economy in supporting the sustainable
development of the advancement of countries with a special reference to Iraq.
The researchers relied on the analytical desc riptive deductive method, which
is consistent with the nature and content of this research. In light of this, the
research consisted of four sections, the first of which was devoted to the
research methodology by formulating its problem. Defining its objec tives and
indicating its importance, with a specific hypothesis, which is (that the digital
economy is an entrance to support sustainable development for the
advancement of countries that are engaged in this development, including Iraq
economically, social ly and environmentally).
The second topic dealt with the digital economy as a new system for the
advancement of countries.
While the third section focused on sustainable development and its goals
according to the perspective of the international organization, while the fourth
section analysed the role of the digital economy in sustainable development in
Iraq and some other co untries. To end the research with conclusions and
The research has reached a package of conclusions, the most important of
which are:
1 Sustainable development is a dynamic and renewable process, which
brings together human needs (econo mic, social and environmental) and takes
into account current needs without prejudice to the rights of subsequent
generations. Indicating that countries must develop strategies for this,
foremost of which are the contents of the digital economy.
Iraq is still characterized by weakness in the rules of the digital economy, as
the Arab Digital Economy Index for the year 2022 , issued by the Arab
Federation for Digital Economy, showed that Iraq is ranked 13 th out of 22 Arab
countries with an index value of ( 3 3.6 ) points. This shows that Iraq is within the
third and weaker group (countries that need to enhance capabilities).
This This is due to the weakness of dealing with the mechanisms of the digital
economy in general. Without developing effective strategies to p romote
innovation, creativity and communications, which weakened the role of the
digital economy in sustainable development in Iraq.
3 The spread of administrative and financial corruption in the institutions of
the Iraqi state, especially the period bef ore 2023 , which clearly weakened the
role of the digital economy in supporting sustainable development.


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