Designing and Implementing a Digital Checklist System for Evaluating Infection Control Practices in Intensive Care Units


  • Khder Aboissa Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Tishreen University


Infection Control Practices (ICP), Healthcare-Associated Infection (HAI), Infection Control Assessment Tool (ICAT)


The primary objective of this research was to evaluate infection control practices (ICP) within ICU settings by utilizing a specially designed digital checklist system. The intention was to provide an effective and practical tool for reducing the incidence of Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI). The study involved assessing the implementation of infection control protocols and measures based on the Infection Control Assessment Tool (ICAT). Through observations and data collection, various aspects of infection control practices were examined, and areas for improvement were identified. The effectiveness of the checklist system as a monitoring and enhancement tool was also evaluated. The system was tested and implemented in two different Medical ICUs in different two private hospitals in Lattakia, Syria  in February 2024, the findings of the study revealed both strengths and weaknesses in the current practices employed and the overall scores obtained by both ICUs were above 75% for five of the eight modules. The checklist system demonstrated its value in capturing data and facilitating real-time decision-making. However, some customization was necessary to align it with the specific workflow of local ICUs. 


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Author Biography

  • Khder Aboissa, Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Tishreen University

    bachelor's in the Department of Biomedical Engineering of the faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering - Tishreen University


