Study of some oils extracts and antibiotics effects on some Listeria monocytogenes bacteria isolates in vitro


  • Buthaina AL-Ashkar


Levofloxacin, Vancomycine, Cinnamomum verum, Citrus aurantium, Antibiotic resistance


Listeria monocytogenes, by causing deadly cases, is one of the most important types of bacteria with a high frequency of pathogens; these bacteria began to resistance many types of antibiotics. Hence the importance of isolating these bacteria from clinical specimens in order to study the effect of some antibiotics and essential oils that somehow have been used successfully in traditional medicine. Twenty samples of blood and the cerebrospinal fluid from adult and a newborn were cultured on PALCAM Agar media. After entering the biochemical results on the ABIS online software, it was revealed that 16 isolates were L. monocytogenes (80%). The minimum inhibitory concentration value (MIC) for antibiotics and essential oils was ranged between 0.5-8 µg/ml, and

Levofloxacin and cinnamon were the most efficient.



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How to Cite

Study of some oils extracts and antibiotics effects on some Listeria monocytogenes bacteria isolates in vitro. (2023). Damascus University Journal for the Basic Sciences, 39(1).