Effect of chitosan alone and in combination with hyaluronic acid in an induced rheumatoid arthritis on experimental animals


  • Dr. Nizar Issa


Chitosan, Hyaluronic acid, Rheumatoid Arhritis, Joint healing, treatment


Pain and joint destruction caused by Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a major challenge in clinical treatment. Systemic treatment of rheumatoid arthritis has been accompanied with several side effects.Traditional treatment with hyaluronic acid (HA) can relieve the disease, but limited by the difficulty of long-term maintenance of efficacy. This study aimed to find new medicines and effective medicines combinations for the treatment of RA, which was induced in animals using chitosan alone and in combination with hyaluronic acid. Rabbits were injected diluent of chitosan (acetic acid) and chitosan in peritoneum or in joint and in combination between chitosan and hyaluronic acid in peritoneum or in joint. after disease induction. Results showed the effect of chitosan alone or in combination with hyaluronic acid in treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis. The treatment by combination between chitosan and hyaluronic acid in joint was more effective compared with other treatments. This may be attributed to the chemical structure and innate joint healing

properties of chitosan and HA.


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How to Cite

Effect of chitosan alone and in combination with hyaluronic acid in an induced rheumatoid arthritis on experimental animals. (2023). Damascus University Journal for the Basic Sciences, 39(1). https://journal.damascusuniversity.edu.sy/index.php/basj/article/view/8662