Measuring the medical linear accelerator head scatter for asymmetric fields radiotherapy


  • محمد حمودي جامعة دمشق
  • Dr. Majeda Nahili


head scatter, symmetry field, asymmetry field, Equivalent field, isocenter


In this paper we were measured head scatter (HS) of Varian medical accelerator when radiotherapy with an asymmetric square half-field (ASH-F) and quarter-field (ASQ-F) and compared with the equivalent symmetric square field (SSF) where treatment planning systems depend on it for asymmetric fields.

HS was measured in air using 0.6cc ion-chamber and two brass build-up caps with thicknesses of 1.8mm and 3.5mm for 6MV and 18MV, respectively. The measurement was performed in the iso-center (IC) for SSF and at effective fields center (EFC) for ASH-F and ASQ-F.

The results confirmed that the HS value differs when using ASH-F and ASQ-F compared to SSF for the fields exceeding 10×10 cm2 and this difference reaches 2.3% and 3.8% for 6MV, while it is 1.5% and 1.7% for 18MV. HS is not related to the photon beam energy as the difference was less than 1% except ASQ-F where the difference was 2% for fields larger than the reference field.

This study indicated that improving the quality of radiotherapy requires additional measurements of asymmetric fields whose dimensions exceed the area of ​​the reference field, and their inclusion in the treatment planning system. Thus, the equivalent

field cannot be relied for this cases.



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How to Cite

Measuring the medical linear accelerator head scatter for asymmetric fields radiotherapy. (2023). Damascus University Journal for the Basic Sciences, 39(2).