Biodiversity of Rotifera Phylum in Middle and southern region of Syria


  • د. سحر الخطيب


Ecology, Lakes, Rotifera, Taxonomic, Throphic, Zooplankton


Rotifera are an important part of zooplankton, inhabiting freshwater lakes and ponds. It is a global widespread species. and used as an environmental indicator to determine the nutritional status of lakes. Also occupies a middle position in the food chain. and is a food source for fish.

The study was conducted in the lakes of the western and southern regions of Syria (Zarzar, Rom, Sahwat al-akahode, Musannaf, Fishbreeding basins in Shatha fram (Al-Ghab) and Al-Sinn's fish Pond), It recorded 34 species, belonging to 9 families: Conochilidae, Filinidae, Testudinellidae, Asplanchnidae, Brachionidae, Colurellidae, Synchaetidae, Lecanidae, Trichocercidae.

The dominant species recorded the highest abundance in lakes, : F. terminalis، B.angularis، K. cochlearis، K. tecta، K.quadrata، C. unicornis، A. priodonta ، A. brightwelli. Most species of Rotifera recorded, appear in lakes meso-eutrophic. 



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How to Cite

Biodiversity of Rotifera Phylum in Middle and southern region of Syria. (2022). Damascus University Journal for the Basic Sciences, 38(1).