Biodiversity of Rotifera Phylum in Middle and southern region of Syria
Ecology, Lakes, Rotifera, Taxonomic, Throphic, ZooplanktonAbstract
Rotifera are an important part of zooplankton, inhabiting freshwater lakes and ponds. It is a global widespread species. and used as an environmental indicator to determine the nutritional status of lakes. Also occupies a middle position in the food chain. and is a food source for fish.
The study was conducted in the lakes of the western and southern regions of Syria (Zarzar, Rom, Sahwat al-akahode, Musannaf, Fishbreeding basins in Shatha fram (Al-Ghab) and Al-Sinn's fish Pond), It recorded 34 species, belonging to 9 families: Conochilidae, Filinidae, Testudinellidae, Asplanchnidae, Brachionidae, Colurellidae, Synchaetidae, Lecanidae, Trichocercidae.
The dominant species recorded the highest abundance in lakes, : F. terminalis، B.angularis، K. cochlearis، K. tecta، K.quadrata، C. unicornis، A. priodonta ، A. brightwelli. Most species of Rotifera recorded, appear in lakes meso-eutrophic.