Statues and distribution of the Carnivores of the Mustelidae and Herpestidae in Syria
Syria, Mammalia, Carnivora, Mustelidae, Herpestidae, ConservationAbstract
The presence of 7 carnivores representing 2 families (Mustelidae and Herpestidae) in Syria was confirmed by trapping, spotlighting, direct observations, surveying for animal signs and a comparative analysis of the available literature.
The family Mustelidae is represented by 6 species: Martes foina, Mustela nivalis, Meles canescens, Mellivora capensis, Vormela peregusna and Lutra lutra. Only three species was recorded based on available literature (M. capensis, V. peregusna and L. lutra). The family Herpestidae is represented by one species Herpestes ichneumon.
The record review is complemented by distribution maps. Current local, IUCN and CITES statues of the carnivores of the Syrian area are given. The most significant threat to these species was the destruction of their habitats due to deforestation and degradation of plants as a result of intensive human activity, as well as hunting and poisoning, and trafficking.