Biostratigraphic study of the Lower Senonian sediments in North Palmyridian Chain
North Palmyridian Chain, Biostratigraphy, Senonian, biozones, ForaminferaAbstract
The Lower Senonian sediments exposure in North Palmyridian Chain and they are represented by Rmah and Sawwanah Formations, which consists of carbonate and clay deposits as well as bands of flint and phosphatic intercalations. Confirmation of the study, which was conducted on the South Palmyridian Chain by (Al-Khatib et al, in press), Rmah and Sawwanah Formations were subdivided into six biozones based on the detailed study of the content of the samples of foraminifera, these zones are Dicarinella primitiva, Dicarinella concavata, Dicarinella asymetrica, Globotruncana elevata, Globotruncana ventricosa Globotruncanita calcarata. Also The Globotruncana elevata Zone was divided into two subzones, Planoglobulina glabrata subzone and Rosita fornicate subzone, as well as the Globotruncana ventricosa Zone was divided into two subzones, Globotruncanita elevata sturtiformis subzone of upper part of Early Campanian age and Globotruncana arca subzone of lower part of Late Campanian age. Based on these results, it was confirmed that the age of Sawwanah Formation ranges from upper part of Early Campanian to the top of Late Campanian, and the age of Rmah Foramtion ranges from the Coniacain to Early Campanian