تقييم تأثير كل من المحلول المخدر المقلون والتقليدي على مستوى الألم أثناء إجراء حقنة إحصار العصب السني السنخي السفلي عند الأطفال (دراسة سريرية مضبوطة معشاة)


  • رؤى حسن ماجستير ، طب أسنان الاطفال، كلية طب الاسنان، جامعة دمشق مؤلف
  • شذى نادر قوشجي استاذ دكتور في قسم طب أسنان الاطفال، كلية طب الاسنان، جامعة دمشق. chaza.kouchaje@damascsuniversity.edu.sy مؤلف
  • هنادي مطيط المدرسة الدكتورة في قسم الكيمياء الحيوية، كلية الطب البشري، جامعة دمشق مؤلف

الكلمات المفتاحية:



Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess pulse rate as a physiological pain assessment during inferior alveolar nerve block injection using buffered anesthetic solution (lidocaine 2% epinephrine 1/80,000 with sodium bicarbonate 8.4%) and conventional anesthetic solution (lidocaine 2% epinephrine 1/80,000) to treat bilateral mandibular primary molars.

Materials and Methods: Forty patients were included in the study sample to perform 80 inferior alveolar nerve block injections with split-mouth technique in patients aged 6-10 years with bilaterally infected mandibular primary molars. A fingertip oximeter was used to measure the pulse rate before and during anesthesia.

Results: The pulse difference before and during anaesthesia was evaluated using the student’s t-test for independent samples for both the buffered anaesthetic solution and the standard anesthetic solution groups. At P = 0.05, there was a statistically significant difference in favor of the buffered anesthetic solution.

Conclusions: This study discovered an alleviation in pain during the injection of buffered anesthetic solution over conventional anesthetic solution.


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